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Monday, November 19, 2018

Sympathy card - reused butterfly image, embossed layer and a little fiber

My aunt passed away week before last and the funeral was last week.  I had intended to go but was sidetracked with the flu and am now just getting this card out. 
I used a new embossing folder that I bought while I was away.  It is part of a Recollection set - two embossing folders and a small set of clear stamps (Christmas).  Unfortunately, the folder cut the cardstock in a few places which was a bit disappointing.  I repaired from the back and cut the opening out with a Nestibilities Classic Circle die which did the job perfectly.  I put the layer back in the embossing folder to reset the round frame.  Next time, I will cut the circle first and then emboss and will not need to repeat the process.  I tied on a little piece of white fiber between the opening and the right hand edge and mounted a butterfly image in the back of the layer nicely highlighting the butterfly.  I taped it into place before gluing this large layer to a coordinating card front.  I added a small greeting - laser printed Word Window (SU) punchie!!            Therese

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