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Friday, December 14, 2018

Christmas cards - swirly trees, decorative paper and some different embellishements

I had a stack of these images which I put aside when I was getting ready for one of my classes.  So when I was making up Christmas cards to get enough for what I needed for this season I decided to make them up into cards.  As you can see I used decorative paper in a variety of ways to create the background I needed for them.  I had printed both green and red trees which were digitally manipulated before printing.  Love the versatility that this process provides.  I did use my tracing wheel on all the images because I love the texture added by the fun little lines of holes!! They were all mounted to coordinating rectangles of cardstock and adhered to the card fronts using 3D foam tape.
For the top left:  I used a piece of decorative paper 4" x 5.25", added bits of ribbon to the right hand side of the image before adhering it to my card front.
For the top right: I cut the decorative paper in two and added a strip of embossed cardstock in between.  I did flag both ends for more interest.
For the one on the left:  I cut the decorative paper into four pieces and mounted it to the coordinating card front then added green strips in between.
For the one on the right:  I tore the paper twice before mounting to a coordinating card front.

For the one on the left:  I tore the paper twice before mounting to a coordinating card front and added a strip of coordinating cardstock which I had embossed and flagged both ends.
For the one on the right:  I combined strips of cardstock to make the layer behind my image and added gold embroidery thread to my image gluing the ends to the back before adhering it to my card front with 3D foam tape.

So a few more cards for my stash which will be sent off to those on my Christmas list this year.


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