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Saturday, November 16, 2019

Slow Stitching - first orange square!!

It took me three sessions to finish up the yellow square.  It only took me two sessions to finish up my first orange square.  This orange fabric has good weight and was easily able to support the elements and stitching I added to it.  I started with running stitch through the middle of the strip and added long stitches placed next to each other to anchor the two sides.  Next, I did the three little patches using small stitches on their edges and a different colour floss to created the little star/flowers in their centers.  I used the fly stitch to secure the edges of my hand cut heart using two different green flosses. First time doing the fly stitch.  I think it would have been better had they been a little closer together but I was concentrating on doing them correctly and failed to be really careful about spacing.  I will consider adding another set of stitches in between in my next stitching session.  To finish off my square I added french knots using yellow floss inside the heart.  I am happy with my progress and look forward to finishing my first set of rainbow squares.  I will post them as I finish them.  Therese

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