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Friday, November 15, 2019

Slow Stitching - first yellow square

Here is my first square in my Slow Stitching project!!  I started with stitching down the strip on the left.  I did running stitch in the center to keep in place and added blanket stitch on one side and cross stitches on the other.  Next I added the blue square using small stitches all the way around and longer stitches to create a flower in the center.  I added the green triangle and did running stitch in both directions on it.  The little portion of a pansy on the upper right was stitched down with running and seed stitches.  It has been positioned away from the edge to allow a quarter seam allowance when it is incorporated into a project.  The other scrap was stitched down with running stitch and finally I created the heart shaped element.  I started by drawing a shape using a pencil because I noticed that I am not easily able to make straight lines with my stitching and I did want my heart to look like a heart once I was done.  I started by stitching the end of my little fabric strip to my fabric in the dip of my heart.  I used green floss to couch my strip onto the line that I had draw which worked quite well.  To finish it off I cut my strip and stitched down the end over the end where I started.  I think it will be sturdy enough to stay in place.  I made a real effort to not pull my stitches too tightly in order to not shrink my fabric square.  Once it was ironed it still measured 4" square!!!  I have backed this square with some white fabric because the yellow was so thin I was not sure it would be able to carry the weight of the stitching.  I am learning as I go!!  So far so good!!!  Therese

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