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Monday, May 04, 2020

A little cowboy quilt

I have been working on and off on this little cowboy quilt which has been made up from two fabric panels I have had in my stash for a while.  After a bit of playing around with them to figure out how I could make them into a quilt I discovered if I overlapped them the designs lined up so I stitched them together!!  All the fabrics are heavier than the regular so it worked out well.  I stitched the two outside strips from precut pieces and they make a really nice border.  I added a couple strips of a solid taupe in between to help make a cohesive design.  I added fabric as batting and then a heavyweight cotton as the backing.  The binding is dark brown polyester cut from a raveled pillow sham.  I am please with how it turned out.  I will be washing it tomorrow and adding to my little pile of quilts for donation.           Therese

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