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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Rainbow hearts quilt

I have finally finished my rainbow hearts quilt.  I added a turquoise backing and used a cotton flannel sheet as batting.  I am really happy with how it turned out and the turquoise is really a good complement to the bright colours in the top of the quilt.  It measures 42" x 63" and I will be sending it off to the Linus Project via my sister.  She has several to deliver to them as well and will simply add mine to hers.   Check out the squares here.
I will certainly be doing squares of hand quilting for adding to quilts in the future.  I might consider larger squares but in the end I used these 4" x4" squares because they are precut.  I will consider sewing four of the same together to make a larger square but that may limit my colour selection.  I could also mix them up and use full squares for any colour which I am missing pieced ones.  
So totally fun!!!!!


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