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Sunday, November 08, 2020

Slow Stitching - large leaves - blanket stitched edges and filling in

I am progressing with my current slow stitch project - my border with large leaves.  I have now finished my double blanket stitched edges on all the leaves.  I did one set of blanket stitch with the line a generous eighth inch from the edge and then went around again with another row of blanket stitch with the line on the edge.  I really like how it has finished the edges and given them some presence.  
I used different colours of thread which also gave the edging some interest.  Have the double row of stitching has also nicely filled between the lines of stitching.  Should protect the edges from fraying too much.  You can see below that I have started filling in the leaves with running stitch.  I drew one line to begin with to keep the stitch straight and I have using different colours of thread to give some interest and texture to the interior of the leaves.  It will be quite a while yet before this project will be complete but I am looking forward to doing running stitch and using a variety of colours of thread.  It will be a fun project and one that will not require too much concentration which is the benefit of a slow stitching practice.  Will post an update when I move on to the next leaf.     Therese


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