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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

All occasion card featuring a collage background, a little watercoloured flower and black borders on both

In the midst of getting cards made for my stash I decided to see if I could make some backgrounds using my little stash of triangles that I created a while back when I made these cards for my January Card Exchange partners.  I adhered random triangles tight to each other and reaching from side to side on my card front.  This card fits inside an envelope from my stash.  I trimmed all the scraps to the edge of my card once my glue was dry.  I found the little laser printed flower image ( in my stash.  I watercoloured it to coordinate with my background, added a row of paper piercing on each edge and then added black highlighting on the edges using a large black marker.  I liked that the colour absorbed randomly and so I emphasized that by making the corners a bit heavier with colour than the sides.  Just enough to emphasize the focal element's edges.  I mounted the image to the background using 3D foam tape and then used a fine tip black marker to make a randomly drawn line all the way around my background.  Thinking it still needed a bit of something so I added clear glitter to the image - petals, center and the little yellow "bobs".  I am really liking these collaged background created right on the card front.  FUN!!!!!!!  Therese


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