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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Fabric collage with diluted white glue

I have been playing with fabric.  I have read somewhere on line that diluted white glue can be used to prevent fabric from fraying when you are creating.  I should have taken better note when I read it because now I can no longer locate the location of the information I read.  I cannot remember if it was in relation to sewing/quilting or in the making of an art piece.  Anyway, without a way ahead except that it was diluted white glue I decided to go ahead and try to create a piece of fabric collage that will not fray when I used it as a background for cards or quilting.  I covered my work surface with plastic and spread out a long piece of polyester fabric I had on hand.  I diluted some white glue to about 50-50 and applied some of it at one end of my fabric.  I then laid small pieces of white fabric over it and covered them with my glue solution and then overlapped more over them and covered them with my solution.  I continued this process for about a couple of feet ensuring that everything was well saturated with my glue solution.  It was very wet so I knew it would take quite a while to dry so I put it outside in the sun to hasten the process.  After it was dry, I checked it out and found that some of the edges were not secure so I decided to add some machine stitching to ensure that my piece would remain intact when I used it.  I used a shimmery thread on the top and regular white thread in my bobbin.  I worked very well and I am very happy with the result.  I have been brainstorming some ways to use it.  I expect it will be perfect as a background for some cards and I will certainly try at least one piece as a background for a quilt square and do some applique and then wash it to see if it holds up to washing.  I am not sure if white glue will wash out after it has been dried into a surface.  We shall see!!                Therese

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