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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Anniversary card featuring Calico Collage images, an embossed scalloped circle and a stamped greeting

 My last July card for my youngest daughter on her anniversary!!!!!!!  I trimmed these previously colour printed images from Calico Collage, markered their edges with a black Sharpie and then adhered them to a large red card.  The heart is also a Calico Collage image which I cut with my circle cutter and also markered its edge with a brown marker.  I found a circle in my stash that was pretty close to the right colour so I die cut a scallop circle from it, chalked its edges and then embossed it with the "Subtle Texture" (SU) embossing folder.  Perfect!!  I mounted the image to the scalloped circle and adhered it to my card using 3D foam tape.  I found the stamped greeting in my stash.  Add two rows of paper piercing and then tucked it just under the edge of my scalloped circle.    Therese

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