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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Quilt - Red and blue crumb squares sashed with yellow fabric along with some hand stitched daisies

I have been working on this quilt (48.5" x 59.5") for a while off and on between other activities.  I started by adding yellow sashing between the 12 dark red and blue crumb squares which I made a while back.  I added a large yellow border in the same fabric as the sashing, added a thin cotton batting and a dark blue backer which I wrapped around the edge and used to bind the quilt as well.  I added a row of green stitching between the two red ones on the large border and hand stitched red flowers onto the line.  I had to be careful not to go to deep with my stitches because I added the flowers after the quilt was finished.  I am really happy with how it turned out and how well the little stitched flowers finish it off!!  Therese


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