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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Cat quilt featuring some slow stitched squares and bright colours

I have finished my last quilt top!!  It took the better part of the day but I am very happy to have it finished.  This one has the five slow stitched cats framed in light blue at the top and some very bright rows of pieced fabrics interwoven with rows of solid blue fabric.  I used cotton flannel for the batting and navy blue polyester cotton on the back. The backing was just wide enough for the quilt so I had to find something else to bind it.  I decided on an orange poly/cotton.  I cut it to 3" wide, ironed it in half and then joined my six pieces.  I used the single fold method to attach the binding.  It guarantees that you will not miss the back because you sew it to the quilt top first and then do the top stitching to secure it in place.  Worked really well and I think this is the method my Mom uses on her quilts though I don't recall having done it myself recently.  I used a decorative stitch in orange on the top and blue in the bobbin when I did my top stitching.  It has a lot of contrast.  I should have used blue in the bobbin when I first added the binding to the quilt as it can show on the front depending on how closely you can add your top stitching.   I have been slow stitching for mending this week so not much progress on cats.  I am looking forward to starting a new project and am researching Quilt As You Go techniques to see if can find an easier way to quilt the main body of the quilts I am making.  


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