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Friday, October 29, 2021

Slow Stitching - mending a coat lining

Yet more slow stitching that was really mending.  DH loves this winter coat and uses it all winter when he is working outside or in his workshop.  You can see from the photo below that the lining has worn through in several places and he wondered if there was anything that could be done to extend the life of his coat.  I decided to patch the areas that were affected with some slow stitching.  It would have been very impractical to do it any other way but relatively simple to add a patch and hand stitch it into place.  I used some brown polyester fabric and cut patches that would cover the affected areas then stitched them into place with orange polyester sewing thread (doubled).  This will definitely save this coat for a few more years.  
This is similar to the Japanese process called Boro Mending where Sashiko stitching is used to add patches to clothing.  The process of repeated mending takes on an artistic asthetic which can be very beautiful.    Therese


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