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Monday, November 15, 2021

Christmas cards with stencilling

 I checked my Christmas cards stash and found I was a bit short of what I used last year so I decided to make up what  needed using supplies from my stash.  These stencilled images have been hanging around a LONG time and I decided to just see what I could do with them.  For the first one, I used a light green card that coordinated with the background paper I found in my stash. I added a green ribbon to it before adhering it to my card front.  I used my pattern tracing wheel to add four rows of paper piercing to the front of my image after tearing the edges roughly.  I used 3D foam tape to adhere the wreath to my card front.  For my second card, I used dark yellow handmade paper for my background.  I added a length of ivory gros grain ribbon, tucked it behind and secured it with three tiny brads before adding it to an ivory card base.  I tore the edges on my tree image and used my pattern tracing wheel to add four lines of paper piercing on each edge.  I adhered the tree to my card front using 3D foam tape.  I was glad to be able to incorporate these images into my cards this year!!  Therese

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