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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

All occasion card featuring a collage background, a little watercoloured flower and black borders on both

In the midst of getting cards made for my stash I decided to see if I could make some backgrounds using my little stash of triangles that I created a while back when I made these cards for my January Card Exchange partners.  I adhered random triangles tight to each other and reaching from side to side on my card front.  This card fits inside an envelope from my stash.  I trimmed all the scraps to the edge of my card once my glue was dry.  I found the little laser printed flower image ( in my stash.  I watercoloured it to coordinate with my background, added a row of paper piercing on each edge and then added black highlighting on the edges using a large black marker.  I liked that the colour absorbed randomly and so I emphasized that by making the corners a bit heavier with colour than the sides.  Just enough to emphasize the focal element's edges.  I mounted the image to the background using 3D foam tape and then used a fine tip black marker to make a randomly drawn line all the way around my background.  Thinking it still needed a bit of something so I added clear glitter to the image - petals, center and the little yellow "bobs".  I am really liking these collaged background created right on the card front.  FUN!!!!!!!  Therese


Heart art for my Mom - heart collage using tissue paper, thin decorative papers and white glue

I made some heart art for my Mom.  Right now she needs to know that she is loved and is a blessing to all those around her.  

I created a couple of panels using white tissue paper, white glue with gold glitter and hand cut hearts from my large stash of thin decorative papers - quite a few which were napkins and paper towels I used to clean up after doing some creative art using acrylic paint.  I always wipe up my palette in order to not waste the paint.  I water down the paint in my palette, wipe it out and then spread out the paper to dry!!  It makes the most interesting and unique papers.  I did this same technique when I created my heart art for the front line workers.  I wanted my art for my Mom to be beautiful on both sides and the process of creating these pieces means that the side that is against the plastic is very shiny and smooth so I decided to make two and glue them together so I would have the great texture on both sides of my heart.  After my two pieces were dry I removed them from the plastic and cut one into the shape of a heart.  I used white glue to adhere it to my other panel.  Once that was dry I trimmed out the heart with my scallop decorative scissors.  I die cut a filigree heart from silver card and glued it to one side of my heart and added a glitter butterfly as my focal element.  I punched a hole at the top and added a ribbon so it could be hung in a window or on a door handle. To finish it off I used a pin and pierced each scallop which adds a bit more interest.   You can see below how it looks with a bit of light from behind.  The two layers makes it more opaque but you still get the stained glass look which I really like.  I will be sending it off to her in today's mail.  
