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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Slow Stitching Project - butterflies are done!!

I have been working slowly and steadily on my butterfly project.  They are die cut (SX) from colourful fabric and stitched to squares of blue fabric.  I did a blanket stitch all the way around to secure the butterflies to the square and then filled them in with running stitch in a variety of configurations and colours.  I added the antennae and bodies in satin stitch with black embroidery thread once I finished stitching the wings.  I gave them each a fun flight path too in black running stitch.  I have several other ideas in my head and I am looking forward to getting started once a bit of free time shows up.  

I am linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching!!  Check out the wonderful creations of all the other creative people who participate there!!! 




  1. Therese, your butterflies are filled with joy and beautiful colour! Each and every one is exquisite!

  2. These butterflies are marvellous! I love the texture you're creating with all those stitches!

  3. Not sure if your blog accepts comments since my first one disappeared, but I'll try again and see. Love the texture you are getting with the butterfly stitching!


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