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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Slow Stitching - Needle Keeper and Threader

I had the inspiration to work on a project that I have been thinking of for some time now.  

I made these needle keepers as part of this project.  These are wooden beads which I trimmed with a 1.4" forstner bit to create a cavity which would hold a small rare earth magnet and a piece of thin wire to make a doubly useful tool.  I drilled the holes centered on the holes in the beads, formed the wire hoops for the threading part and then used Goop glue to hold the pieces together.  The two beads each have an indentation.  I placed some glue in the bottom of one, added the magnet, then the folded wire with the ends to each side then looped them around the magnet.  I added glue to the other bead and pressed them together tightly which had glue coming out of the holes that needed to be wiped away.  I made severn of them.  The bottom one was my first and I used thicker wire which won't accomodate all the needles I might be using so I switched the thinner wire for the subsequent ones.  It is a double duty tool in that it will hold your needle when you are not using it and also help you thread your needle when you change threads.    I have a few more ideas which I will see about doing some R&D on later.  

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