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Thursday, January 26, 2023

January Card Club - Card #3 - handmade paper flowers with a paper pierced frame

 For our last card I chose to make these quick and easy flowers from handmade paper which I made quite a while back.  I tore squares from four different paper of the same colour family and then tore two leaves from two rectangles of green and center from yellow.  The circles look best if they are not perfect and the same with the leaves so it is a very forgiving process.  We used my pattern tracing wheel and a ruler to create a row of paper pierced holes on all four sides of the card fronts.  We could have added faux stitching with a marker instead.  Once the circles were created we simply glued them to each other starting with the largest and finishing with the yellow center.  We auditioned our flowers with their leaves, made adjustments until we were happy and glued them into place on our card front!!  Done!!  A very elegant card that can be used for a variety of occasions!!!  It was very nice to see my friends again and to spend an evening creating cards with them!!!  Therese

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