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Friday, February 24, 2023

Denim journal covers made by upcycling jeans and their pockets

I am late getting these up on the blog because I gave them up before I was finished getting all the photos I needed for blogging.  I managed to get them back and have now taken my photos.  I made the journal covers to hold composition books which are available locally and makes these journal covers reusable!!!  It was fun to upcycle jeans into these covers by just piecing around the pockets to get enough fabric to wrap around the composition books.  I added hand stitching on at least one seam on each cover in a different colour just for fun!!  The pockets make a great place to keep pens or head phones and add a lot of texture and detail to the covers.  Will keep an eye out for jeans for giveaway so I can make a few more!!  Therese


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