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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Sewing - a variety of potholders - Budweiser and red, blue and floral, quilted red and beige

I worked on potholders today.  These have been sitting for quite a while with everything cut and ready to be sewn together.  They went together very quickly.  I made four sets with the Budweiser fabric on the outside and the red inside.  I quilted them all differently and added navy loops for hanging.  
The blue ones feature a floral blue fabric on the top and they are back with solid navy blue fabric.   I added an X in a square to keep the layers together.  
The dark red set have a solid deep red backs and quilted fronts.  To keep the layers together I did stitch in the ditch following the quilted pieces.  
These are going to the Everything Rhubarb event as well. 


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