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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

September Card Club - cards featuring photos printed on transparency and mounted to our card over decorative paper

 For our last card I like to make it quick and easy!!  I printed a variety of photo images which I found on Pixabay onto the back of transparencies in reverse so they would show right side to the front.  I have used this technique before but it had been a while.  The last time I used photos I had taken but this time I decided for best use of my time I would pick a few from the site.  I was looking for photos with really good contrast so the backgrounds would have quite a few places to show through especially in the white or highlighted parts.  I was able to find quite a few that worked well.  I printed a few more than I printed for the class so I will have a few spare to add to my stash once I get them made up.  
For card one I layered the swan transparency over a very shimmering blue hand decorated paper which I made a while back - just leftover paint from a project painted onto scrap paper.  It beautiful the way the shimmer comes through the transparency!!  
For my second card, I layered this vintage car over a light blue decorative paper which gave the sky a bit of colour and texture.  
I applied a small piece of double sided tape to the back of the image in a place where it is quite dark.  I adhered this to my background paper.  I placed another small piece of double sided tape to the back of the decorative paper and applied it to my card front.  I pierced a hole in each corner with a push pin and then added a small brad in each one.  This secures all the layers very nicely and leaves the front neat.  I added a full insert in these cards to hide the tangs of the brads which show on the inside of the card.  
Great all occasion cards!!!  Therese

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