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Friday, October 20, 2023

Cards as Gifts - Note cards featuring aqua flower confetti with a stamped greeting and some with doodling

I was feeling like doing something different for cards the other day so I dug out the little bag of Paula Dean aqua table confetti and played a bit.  I found a dozen small light aqua envelopes in my stash and decided they would go nicely together.  I decided to use the little note greeting which includes a little envelope and went from there.  I started with the set of cards that are below.  I added black centers to a few confetti and that looked good with the greeting.  The little circles are punchies which I saved a while back while I was punching holes for something!!  Generally, I arranged my confetti leaving room for my greeting then glued them into place, added the black centers and then stamped my greeting with black Versafine.  I just kept playing and coming up with new layouts.  I got to thinking I could draw in black lines so I did the one with the confetti in the corners and added dotted lines.  That went well!!  So I just started adding lines and dots to the rest of them.  Then I thought I could add leaves to some and finally I went a bit over the top with all the swirls around a central greeting.  They still needed a bit of something so I decided to add a bit of colour!!  I watercoloured the little envelopes yellow which was just the trick.  It was good to do that at the end when everything had dried really well.  

Had a wonderful time creating and got all of them done in a long afternoon!!!  I will be donating these to our church office.  Therese


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