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Saturday, December 23, 2023

Slow Stitching - little ivory tree ornaments

I have been working on these little ivory wool ornaments for a bit.  They are little harder two work than the felted wool because the wool is just a smidge less thick and dense.  It is harder to keep the stitches from showing on the back.  I did several lines of chain stitch on this little tree - one each in variegated pink, green and yellow.  I also did blanket stitch all the way around in ivory thread.  I added a little hanger and added to my god child's Christmas card.  It cost me $1.07 over a regular stamp to mail it off.   So these are not a viable option for little gifts for friends and family that I can send in my cards.  It is good to know so I will see if I can invent some other way to use the little triangles I have cut out before I add any more stitching.  I started one with little snowflakes using variegated blue thread.  I will do some brainstorming over the holidays and see what I can come up with.  Therese


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