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Monday, February 05, 2024

Quilting - small quilt with precut and stitched triangles with a yellow flannel backing

Another quilt using triangles.  This one made use of several large triangles which were a group of assembled triangles.  I assembled three of the large triangles and then squared off the ends.  I added the two ends to the last triangle to make this small quilt.  It measures 38" square.  The lines did not all line up on the edges but I simply sewed the off cuts to the triangle from edge to edge.  With all the colour and texture of the pieces it is not very noticeable where they are not aligned.  I added a yellow flannel backing which I stitched right sides together leaving an opening to turn it inside out.  Worked really well!!  I top stitched the outside edge.  I used green on the top and ivory thread on the bottom.  I just followed several of the lines across to quilt the pieces together using gray thread on the top and ivory on the bottom.  Another bright quilt which will be donated to the Linus Project.  Not sure when I will get to the top created from the large triangular assemblies but there will several more quilts that will be made up from the remaining triangles.    Therese

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