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Monday, March 04, 2024

Sewing - braided fleece and mesh dog toys

 I rescued a scrap of blue fleece from our fabric sorting last week and wondered what I could use it for in the way of creating a sellable item.  After a bit of research on line I decided to make up some dog chew toys.  I cut the scrap into 2" x 20" pieces and then trimmed the same size scraps from a mesh t shirt from my fabric stash.  I layered three of them and tied a knot pulling hard so it would be tight.  I then braided the lengths until I had about 3" left and tied another knot.  I flagged the ends to make them interesting.  I ended up with 10 of them.  I will bring them to add to our merchandise bins when I go to sorting this week.    Therese

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