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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Gramma Link Africa Fabric sale - April 20th

We held our 2024 Gramma Link Africa Fabric Sale on Saturday.  It took a few days of extra prep to be ready but with the help of the guys the tables were filled with fabric and notions and yarn of every kind!!!!!!!!!  You can see here our new banner which better represents our group and the grandmothers we support through our fundraising.  It took a while to get the right wording, photo and layout but it is now ready to go.  It is the first time we use it and we are all really happy with how it looks!!!  

We have been collecting and sorting fabric and notions since January and all the work has come to this!!  So much great fabric and a room full of notions and yarns.  We set up on Friday and opened the doors at 9am on Saturday with a line up out front!!!  

We have a large group of volunteers who show up regularly and help measure fabric and sort notions.  Volunteers shopped after set on Friday.  It is wonderful to be able to touch and coordinate and find the right colour of thread for our next projects!!!  The knitters also had a lot to choose from!! There were notions for everyone - thread, ribbon, embroidery thread, magazines and books, quilting patterns, buttons, rick rack, sewing needles and so much more!!!!  It was a fun day and by 2pm all the rooms were picked up and the floors were swept!!!  Therese


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