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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Slow Stitching - #2 tree

I have finished my second tree square in my current Slow Stitching project.  I am really happy with how these are working out!!  I first pinned the two halves to my blue square and used cross stitches in deep pink to secure them both to the background.  Next, I stitched up the right side with vertical stitching.  I did horizontal stitching on the left hand side.  I did my best to capture the edges while I was stitching which gives them a bit of a different look than the other squares I made.   I added a star to this tree as well but it is not much more of an improvement on the first one I did.  I will have to check my embroidery book and see what I am doing wrong as I am sure there are some that look better than that.  I also added french knots in yellow thread over all of it!!  Therese

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