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Monday, July 05, 2021

My "tree" quilt is finally finished

I have finally finished the hand stitching of the leaves on this quilt top (51" x 39.5").  I like how it came out but stitching in the middle of the quilt was harder than I had expected due to the weight of the fbric and backing.  I pinned the leaves in place one at at time and used green embrodery thread and running stitch to secure them to the quilt next to the "trees".  I placed the next one over it once I had finished the first one and repeated 18 more times.  I really like how the quilt feels so now I have to find a backing to sandwich my polyester batting into the quilt. 

I found a dark green cotton polyester piece that was the right size for the back and there was enough from the other scraps to make a binding in the same colour.  Perfect!!  I added some vertical stitched lines using an off white thread on the front and dark green on the back once I got the backing pinned into place.  After that I stitched on some outline leaves with the same thread placing them next to the lines on the front to simulate a forest in the background.  I had one leftover leaf and so I traced it with a pencil where I thought leaves would look appropriate then roughly followed the line to create the outline leaves.  I really like how that looks.  I cut 3" strips for my binding and stitched them together.  I decided to use a wavy decorative stitch to stitch it into place because I usually miss the back portion when I use a straight line and have to go back and finish all those places by hand.  I had folded the edges of the 3" strip into the center and then in half so I would be assured that as long as I caught the back with stitching it would be secure.  I am pretty happy with how it worked out.  The wavy line does not distract from the quilt and it certainly ensured that I did not have to do any handwork once I was done.  I washed the quilt after I finished it to wash out the pencil lines and to see that it all held together.  The hand stitched leaves are now a little fuzzy but that is fine.  All good!!!!!  I have a special purpose for this quilt which I will share later.    I have several possibilities for the next quilt - will have to see which one calls to me.  I have also started on another hand stitching project which features stitching decorative fabric elements to solid coloured 6" squares.  I will blog those once I have started the first one.     Therese


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:16 am

    That’s beautiful Therese. You do amazing work.


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