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Monday, July 05, 2021

Thread holder using a pegboard

I have repurposed a pegboard that I used for my craft sale set up into a thread holder.  I ordered 6" peg board hooks from online - they are twice the price locally - and was able to put up all of my large spools.  There is evern room for more than one on a peg in some cases when the spools are different sizes and also room for bobbins on the end so they can live together.  I have not yet decided to add the regular and small spools as it would be more difficult to see the colours of them.  I have them in trays in drawers now and it is really easy to find the colour I am looking for when I have a project I am working on.  Brian was able to make the modifications required and attach it to the wall just above my sewing desk.  As you can see there are several other items that have found their way to the bottom hooks which were scavenged from my craft sale display box.   Therese 

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