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Monday, February 14, 2022

Heart card with beautiful paper and a layered heart accent over beautiful ribbon

I made this card for DH for Valentine's!  We are cooking at home - chicken picatta and lemon spaghetti with salad and steamed asparagus!!! It will be great and we have chocolate lava cakes for dessert.  

I have had this piece of paper for quite a while.  I have been saving it for a project worthy of its beauty.  I decided the time had finally come!!  I created a large yellow green card to fit in an envelope in my stash.  I added a length of this beautiful soft ribbon to the paper before adhering it to my card front.  It is very shimmery in very deep luscious colours.  For my heart embellishement I started with the collaged heart - colourful tissue paper hearts collaged with sparkly white glue onto white tissue paper which I made up when I was doing up my tribute to front line workers last year.  I cut it out by hand using the same pattern I used for my book of colours for my youngest grand daughter.  I layered it onto some gold cardstock and trimmed it with scallop decorative scissors.  It was feeling a little naked so I checked my little stash of hearts and found this red and gold one that worked perfectly to fix that little problem.  To finish off my card I tied a short length of the same ribbon to the length on my card to simulate and bow and add my heart with 3D foam tape.   We need to celebrate all the loves in our lives!!!!!   Therese 

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