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Monday, February 14, 2022

All occasion cards with a punched frame and silk flower embellishements

 I had a few extra card kits the other day when I was making these for my friend.  I decided to just make them up and add them to my stash of cards.  They have a punched frame which is embellished with layered silk flowers.  It was really interesting to make the punched frames which I have not done in quite a long time and my selection of punches has grown since.  I did have to play a bit with the size of the squares to get them to have space on the corners but generally 2.75" works well.  Some of my punches do not have a gap  - they punch right on the edge of the paper - so they did not work with this technique.  I embossed a strip of cardstock and slid into the punched slots which made the frame positionable which was kind of fun.  Therese

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