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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Slow Stitching - handmade cards embellished with hand stitched elements

A few cards created with some beautiful fabric that found while sorting for the Gramma Africa Link fabric sale.  I trimmed out a few embroidered elements for hand stitching to the same interfacing I have been using for my other little pieces of stitching.  The fabric is very lustrous and it was easy to stitch to the interfacing.   I mounted the elements to embossed dark brown layered and then mounted them to ivory cards.  I have several yet to finish - they will show up here in time.  

Here are the cards I made up with the hand stitched pieces I showed you a while back.  I simply used double sided tape to secure my little pieces of hand stitched art to coordinating card fronts.  I have really enjoyed making these up and I will be bringing some to our next Gramma Africa Link event - our Everything Rhubarb tea in June.    

I am linking to Kathy's Quilts.  She hosts Slow Sunday Stitching every week and I will be linking these to her post for today.   I did do more slow stitching today which I hope I will be able to link up next week.  Always great inspiration on her blog!!  Go and check them out!!  Therese

1 comment:

  1. Your hand stitched cards are beautiful! What a delight it would be for those who receive one of these pretties as a gift.


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