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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cardmaking - June - little tiles

I created some tiles to play with!! They are composed of a 3/4" square of decorative paper over a 1" square of cardstock!! You could use them using the same design as this card for a different look. I brainstormed different layouts by changing the position and number of tiles until a I had a page full in my page layout program!! Amazingly, layouts using 5 tiles dominated so I gave each person 5 tiles to use on the front of their card!! The easiest layout is the green one - four to create a diamond below and one raised with 3D foam tape in the center. It allows you to create a portrait or landscape card and embellish it as you wish. I added some textured lines to mine using an old tracing wheel!! In the card on the upper left I added some textured lines on the card front which I used as guidelines in the placement of my tiles. Once they were all glued in place I added a couple more lines and some black 1/4" punchies which were left over from this card last month. The girls at class came up with yet more designs than I have included in the following diagram that you can use to get you started!!
This design, as well as the first one, with the punchies, are great ones for using scraps - especially the little wonderful little pieces you have been saving because they are too pretty to recycle or throw out!! This is a great way to use them and make wonderful cards for gift giving at the same time!! Consider using gift wrap, junk mail or any other beautiful paper that shows up to create these!!


1 comment:

  1. Therese, I love these little tiles! As well as everything else on your blog.


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