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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Hallowe'en

 Have a great day of fun!!  Therese

Monday, October 30, 2023

Fire starters made of twisted strips of kraft tissue paper, wax and cording to finish them off

 With the last bit of wax left in my double boiler I decided to try to replicate the fire starters my sister and I played at earlier this fall.  I would have preferred to apply the wax in a less messy way but I did not really know how to go about it so I just crumpled the strips (3" x 36") and dunked them in the wax and then let them drip of a little bit before twisting them.  I formed a round shape with the twisted end and then twisted and wrapped the remainder in and out of the round.  I ended up with both ends at about the same place and held them together for a bit until the wax started solidifying.  Would have been neater to use wax crayons like I have used for these fire starters but that would have required cooling the wax to solid and taking out the griddle.  In the end, they will start a fire very nicely and that was the goal!!  After they were cooled I tied the ends together with kraft utility cording to which I added a little red cording bow.  I made a dozen and have packaged them into a cute little gift box with red tissue paper on the bottom.  Everything can be burned so it leaves nothing to dispose of later.  Therese

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Fire starters - wax and pine cones with cotton wicks

I had an evening last week with a bit of time on my hands so I dug out the wax I melted a while ago and the pine cones I collected before it snowed and made up a few fire starters.  We have been enjoying Girl Guide cookies - chocolate mint!!  They have been repackaged this year and come in these nice clear trays which I have been saving knowing they would come in handy for something!!  They work perfectly for these fire starters!!  I put a cupcake liner on the top of the opening in preparation for the pinecones to be ready to put inside.  I melted the wax in a double boiler and then turned down the heat.  The wax was not cooling very quickly so I removed the top of the double boiler and placed it on a cast iron frying pan which worked really well for lowering the temperature.  The lower temperature of wax makes coating the pine cone thickly very easy.  Once it temperature was right I got started.  I managed to get about 5-6 done and then had to put the double boiler back into the hot water bath to bring the temperature up a bit to get it a bit more liquid again.  It was an ongoing process - in the bath, out of the bath but it worked well.  I had added cotton cording to the pinecones by slipping it under the bottom arms and wrapping it around til it was at the top.  I tied a single knot there encasing the few arms at the top.  Not sure it was necessary to have it wrapped around the bottom part.  I think you could just tie it to the top few arms tight enough to secure the cord to the pinecone so you can dip it without burning your fingers.  It worked really well to have the cord to dip them.  With the wax at the right temperature it coats the pinecone thickly in a couple of dips.  Once my pinecone was well coated I placed in on the cupcake liner I had placed over the opening in the tray and simply pushed it down into the cavity.  Once the wax solidifies you can lift them out very nicely.  So if you choose to package these a different way for giving you would really only need a couple of GG cookie trays to make a production line.  I started with yellow wax and then added teal to the yellow which made green.  I managed to get 4 packages ( 6 each) of yellow ones and 2 green ones.  I did find a few pinecones that were too big for the cavity so it would be good to test your pinecones before you start to make sure they are the right size.   

After they were all done I found some heavyweight paper in my stash that was long enough to make some wrappers for the trays.  I just measured, scored, folded and then glued the flaps to each other.  Worked really well.  I will add some information and instructions to them before gifting them away!! The fire starters can be used up and the sleeve can also be burned.  The plastic tray is recyclable so it can be put in the bin for pick up.  No garbage to dispose of!!!     Therese

Sewing - a zippered bag with fun bright colours

There has been mention of bags for women in need in our larger community and I decided to see if I could make one that I was happy with.  For this one, I reused a bag that was already while.  I did take it apart to add the decoration and the zipper piece.  I reused the handles (30") they way they were and boxed the bottom for it to be shorter and more functional.  It measures 4" across the bottom, 15.5" tall and 12.5" wide.  I made french seams inside so it is finished neatly inside.  I added tabs to the end of the zipper to make it easier to open and close.  I added three strips of the fun turquoise fabric just to decorate the front a bit.  I stitched them on using a decorative stitch on my machine which also will help to keep the raveling to a minimum.  I have a desire to create panels using my scraps and quilting techniques which I can then use to make bags.  I will need them to be between 32" and 34" and I would make them wider - 16" to 18" wide so they finish up a little larger than this one.   Therese


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Christmas card kits - Peace on Earth gold embossed on brown, a layer of red vellum and beautiful flourished metallic paper for the background

This is my last set of 6 card kits for my friend.  I started by embossing this elegant image of a dove and a Peace on Earth greeting (Stampendous) onto small pieces of brown cardstock.  I trimmed them to size and then used my distress tool to roughen up the edges.  I added clear glitter gel pen to the leaves and the earth below.  I trimmed pieces of red vellum to size and then ran my pattern tracing wheel to the four sides to create four rows of paper piercing.  I paired these two elements with beautiful metallic paper with  wonderful flourishes.  I cut green cards for all of them.  I glued the decorative paper to my green card.  I adhered the dove image to my vellum piece with double sided tape and then adhered this larger element to my card front using double sided tape.  Love how it turned out!!!  Therese

Christmas card kits - cute little tree tags over hand decorated backgrounds

While I was in my stash of Christmas supplies I also found this set of tags which I printed off a while back.  They are also from Homemade Gifts made Easy.   I trimmed them from the sheet using my paper trimmer, added a large gold brad in the hole at the top and a gold confetti star to the tops of the trees using glue dots.  Next, I embellished the pots with gold gel pen and gold shimmer water colour.  Added a tiny bit of brown watercolour to the stems as well.  I auditioned them with several different backgrounds and eventually selected two different hand decorated ones from my stash. They are paste paper from a session I did a while back with my sister.  We had a lot of fun that day!!!  I trimmed them to size and ran my pattern tracing wheel on all four edges.  I trimmed dark green card fronts for all of them.  The tags still needed something to I added two short lengths of gold ribbon which I secured with double sided tape.  That was much better!!  So I adhered my background to my card front, added 3D foam tape to the back of my tag and secured it over my background.  Green and gold - great Christmas colours.  Therese

Christmas card kits - black and white tags with colourful seam binding

For this set of card kits I used tags I found in my stash.  They are printed from a printable PDF that I downloaded from Handmade Gifts made Easy.  I printed them in black and white probably in error a while back and when I dug them out I thought they would work well with a neutral colour scheme and bright seam binding.  I cut black cardstock and gray backgrounds for all of them.  The tags were trimmed from the letter sized sheet of paper with my paper trimmer.  I punched the hole at the top with a hole punch.  I chose six different colours of seam binding and cut two pieces - one long one and then a shorter one.  I tied the shorter one to the longer one with a single knot and then inserted the bottom end of the long piece into the hole sliding the tied piece to allow enough on each end of the longer one to be folded over the top and bottom of the decorative paper.  I added two strips of 3D foam tape to the back of the tag on each side of the ribbon and two pieces of double sided tape on the top and bottom of the back of the decorative paper.  I adhered the tag to my decorative paper and then folded the ribbon ends over the top and bottom securing them to the tape.  I trimmed off the ends if they were too long.  I added glue to the center area and adhered it to my black card.  I trimmed the ends of the shorter piece to be reasonably even.  These all have different greetings on them so they will all be different though they all have the same card and decorative paper.  Again, I added extra little pieces of release paper between the tape and backer to facilitate their removal.  Therese

Christmas card kits - a cute little gingerbread man and a snowflake

I got an order for some Christmas card kits from a good friend of mine.  She has limited vision so I made an effort to make the card kits user friendly for her.  I assembled the focal elements and added little piece of release paper between the pieces of double sided tape & 3D foam tape so they could be easily be identified and removed.  She really loves making cards so I know she will be enjoying the process of making these up in preparation for the holidays.  

For this card I started with the little gingerbread man (SZ).  I die cut it from brown cardstock and then recut the little hearts from scraps of red cardstock and replaced them in his belly securing them in place on the back with regular tape.  I added small white rick rack to his arms and legs securing the ends on the back using double sided tape.  I added a small scrap of black behind his eyes and secured that with regular tape.  He still needed a bit of something so I tied white cording around his neck - that was better!!!  I found the red strips in my scraps and cut them to fit either landscape or portrait with a bit of trimming.  I added a snowflake punchie to it using a brown brad.  It allows the strip to be used horizontally or vertically with the snowflake on either end.  I added double sided tape to the back of the snowflake strip and to the back of the decorative paper as well as a strip of 3D foam tape to the back of the gingerbread.  I used all different backgrounds and cardstock colours.  I made one up for a sample and she had five kits to put together.    Therese

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Floral fabric cards featuring little embellishments of flowers layered and stitched

I have finally finished the whole set of these wonderful little floral elements which came to me from my Mom.  I would guess they were part of a panel.  The images are beautiful!!!  I have trimmed them from their original strip, layered them onto coordinating fabrics and then stitched the layers.  Some with hand stitching and other with machine stitching.  I have made the one on the right a Christmas cards to celebrate the poinsettia on the front.  You can see the other four here on my blog. They are going into my stash.  Therese


Friday, October 20, 2023

Crocheted washcloth

I found a bag of yarn on our  tour of Trash to Treasure last week. It had some cotton yarn in this soft brown to peach colour combo and I thought I would try to crochet a wash cloth with it.  I did a bit of online research because I have not crocheted much of anything lately.  I found a place that recommended a #6 hook for this yarn and found one in my bin!  Easy single crochets - 31 with one extra on the end to turn the corner.  It makes a very decent pattern with enough substance but not too tight!!  It took me about 4 hours to make but it is very quiet handwork which is beneficial in so many ways!!  It was fun!!  Therese

Cards as Gifts - Note cards featuring aqua flower confetti with a stamped greeting and some with doodling

I was feeling like doing something different for cards the other day so I dug out the little bag of Paula Dean aqua table confetti and played a bit.  I found a dozen small light aqua envelopes in my stash and decided they would go nicely together.  I decided to use the little note greeting which includes a little envelope and went from there.  I started with the set of cards that are below.  I added black centers to a few confetti and that looked good with the greeting.  The little circles are punchies which I saved a while back while I was punching holes for something!!  Generally, I arranged my confetti leaving room for my greeting then glued them into place, added the black centers and then stamped my greeting with black Versafine.  I just kept playing and coming up with new layouts.  I got to thinking I could draw in black lines so I did the one with the confetti in the corners and added dotted lines.  That went well!!  So I just started adding lines and dots to the rest of them.  Then I thought I could add leaves to some and finally I went a bit over the top with all the swirls around a central greeting.  They still needed a bit of something so I decided to add a bit of colour!!  I watercoloured the little envelopes yellow which was just the trick.  It was good to do that at the end when everything had dried really well.  

Had a wonderful time creating and got all of them done in a long afternoon!!!  I will be donating these to our church office.  Therese


Thursday, October 19, 2023

All occasion card featuring a lake scene over ribbon with brads

 Made up a large taupe card to use in a large blue envelope from my stash.  I added a ribbon to my background and three brads before adhering it to my card front.  I watercoloured the trimmed the laser printed digital image of a lake scene (Public Domain Vectors) then added it to my large card using 3D foam tape.  I used this same image on this card.   This one is going into my stash!!  Therese

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

All occasion cards featuring fabric and hand stitching of cute little floral elements

I have finally managed to get a few cards finished using the little fabric floral elements I got from my Mom.  They were on a strip of fabric and I expect were on the edge of a panel of some kind.  They are very nice and I have layered and hand stitched them with coordinating floss on coordinating fabrics and then used double sided tape to secure them to a coordinating card front.  I have a few more to finish and have chosen and cut the fabric pieces for all of them and once they are stitched I will add them to card fronts.  I will be bringing these for Chili for a Cause tomorrow.  


Chili for a Cause - Fundraising for SLF - African Grandmothers

 Gramma Link Africa - Red Deer is having a chili fundraiser tomorrow at Gaetz United.  
Join us in helping empower women in Africa!!

Monday, October 09, 2023

Quilting - QAYG quilt using my Mom's squares and fabric

I finally finished the quilt (58" x 36") I started a while back using the squares Mom had sewn.  I used a Quilt As  You Go method which I modified to strengthen the quilt over all.  I cut blue squares which I stitched to Mom squares using a diagonal line following the row of dark squares with a layer of cotton flannel for batting in between.  I stitched the squares into rows and then added little strips of blue fabric to finish off the rows.  Then I stitched the rows to each other and added longer strips to finish off those seams.  I used strips of the same fabric to create my binding which only shows on the back.  I found the piecing together of the quilt a bit boring as I was always looking at the blue backing.  I much preferred the stitching together of the scrappy quilt which used the same QAYG method.  I will be using more interesting fabric for my backings when I use this method.  Much less of a problem in the traditional method of assembling a quilt.  You can see that I found a little cut in one of the squares on my final pressing!  I had not noticed it before!!  It needed to be repaired so I chose to cut a small square of dark blue which I fused over the cut.  I then stitched all the way around with dark blue thread and then used white thread to simulate the white stitched seam which ran right through the cut.  It barely shows which is what I was wanting when I made the repair.  Makes it unique and interesting. 



Saturday, October 07, 2023

All occasion cards featuring reverse printed photos on transparencies, decorative paper and brads

I had printed several sheets of images when I created the third card for my September Card Club.   I made them all up to add to my stash!!  These are all fun images that were downloaded from Pixabay.  I used different coloured brads but other than that they are cardstock with coordinating decorative paper and a reverse printed transparency which leaves the front glossy and protects the image in between the layers.  I have used this technique with my own images in the pass and hope to again.  Therese


Thursday, October 05, 2023

All occasion cards made up using small handmade paper sheets, embossed vellum and die cut embellishements

I had a few of these card kits leftover from my second card at my September Card Club.  I dug out a few more sheets of handmade paper and made up a few more kits before getting them all made up.  You can see again that I changed things up a bit as I got going.  

For this first one I embellished the die cut with gold foil on the back, a star brad which I coloured to coordinate with Sharpie and then added dots of red glitter glue.  I embossed the handmade paper with a snowflake embossing folder (CB), the vellum with a different one and then layered them wrapping the vellum behind both of them before I added them to my card.  I added the tree with 3Dfoam tape. 

The teal one has a serendipity heart die cut layered with silver cardstock which is scalloped and paper pierced. 

I added paper piercing to the handmade paper sheet before layering it and then added the embossed vellum and tree.

I tore two strips of vellum for the butterfly one and arranged them in a cross and layered them on the paper pierced handmade paper before layering them over the decorative paper and card front. 

The brown one has dark gold vellum wrapped on the onion skin handmade paper sheet to which I added two dark brown leaf die cuts (TH) and a little fussy cut button which I tied on with cording.  This large layer was added to the decorative paper on the card front. 

I embossed the green handmade paper sheet, added to the green paste paper then the strip of vellum wrapped around all the layers.  I added the hearts and then three iridescent sequins with small white brads before adding this larger layer to my pink card front. 

For the last brown one I tore a very slim vellum and added to the onion skin handmade paper.  I added a wider strip to the decorative paper.  I layered them and then added the brown leather leaf with cording and a brown brad through all the layers before mounting to my card front.   

Really enjoyed adding different elements and using the ones I had in a different way!!



Tuesday, October 03, 2023

All occasion cards featuring embossed handmade paper, paper piercing and ribbon

 I had quite a few more sheets of embossed handmade paper than I prepped for my first card at my September Card Club so I decided to make them up.  I will be needing more cards for our Chili for a Cause (GA) event in October so it made sense to make them up now.   
They were pretty much the same sketch - card front, decorative paper, embossed paper and ribbon flags attached with staples.  I am always changing things up so you can see that one has a brad and another has a little ribbon bow!!!  These are all handmade embossed paper sheets which were made up from moulds I created using hot glue on Jcloth scraps.  Therese

Sunday, October 01, 2023

All occasion card featuring a hand stitched fabric patch, handmade paper and a little bow

My oldest granddaughter went on a trip this summer and brought me back a wonderful tea towel and so I made her this fun card.  She is really into creating and art - little crocheted stuffies and patches at the moment - so I made her a little fabric patch!!  Two layers of fabric with flannel in between.  I did blanket stitch in red all around the edge and then added stitching in red and black to keep the little pieces of fabric secure.  I added a little bow to created a focal point!! I stitched it to the handmade paper and then secured the handmade paper to the card front using little staples.  She will be able to remove the patch and add it to her collection!!  
