I have had some wax sitting under my craft table for a while now and decided on the weekend to make some fire starters with it. I collected some toilet paper rolls and newsprint. I cut the toilet paper rolls into four and then filled them with newsprint. I filled a 4" square with smaller pieces to make sort of a nest. I collected small pine cones from the bush outside and dried them in the oven while I was preparing the nests. I dipped the pine cones into the melted wax several times dripping the wax into the nest and then added the pine cone. It was a bit messy but I did get a whole lot of fire starters made!!!!!
Once they were all dry I packaged them into cardboard boxes I found in my stash. This way the packaging can also be burned once it is empty. No garbage!!!! I had a little bit of wax leftover so I added some sawdust and wrapped little balls of the mixture into some squares of newsprint. I added another layer to give them a bit of something to light them with. These ones were not very pretty so they will go into our wood box and will be used to light our fires over the summer. The others will be given to campers in our entourage of friends and family when we see them over the summer!!! Therese