Saturday, September 28, 2024

September Card Club - card #3 - paper napking and ribbon for quick & easy card


For our last card we adhered paper napkins which had all the back layers removed to a rectangle of light coloured cardstock after liberally applying glue to its surface.  Smoothed it down carefully to remove bubbles though I see I was not as successful at getting the napkin well adhered as I had hoped.  We glued the sides and top and bottom to the back of the layer and then added a length of ribbon before adhering this large layer to the front of our cards.  To finish them off some of us tied our short piece of ribbon to the one on the card.  Several tied a knot in the short piece and added it with double sided tape and one adhered it flat on the other one and I provided little buttons for the ends!!!  Love that this group is very creative and are always ready to do it their way!!!  Therese

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