Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Sewing - pink baby blanket with pink, striped & white squares and happy face flannel backing

I cut the five inch squares of cotton fabric for this quilt a couple of weeks ago and took a sewing day yesterday to put it all together.  I stitched together the front matching the corners really well.  I created the backing using some happy face flannel and added a strip of the same pink as the front as I had to trim out a stain.  I layered the backing, the batting and then the top and pinned it really well.  I added diagonal lines of wavy decorative stitching in white thread to quilt all the pieces together and trimmed it to the edges of the front.  I usually like to use the backer to bind but it was not large enough so I trimmed strips of the striped fabric to create a binding.  I bound the top and the bottom and then added the sides.  It took quite a bit of fiddling to get diagonal lines on the corners so I will be finding a better way next time.  I am happy with how it worked out (31.5" x 40.5").  It will be going into our inventory for the fall Gramma Link Africa events in the fall.  Therese

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